Downtown Eastside, Northern Communities and Abroad

In 2016, Dr. Rahr created a community bridging program to fund natural medicine access for the women of the downtown eastside. Monthly sessions of group acupunture are held at her practice location in order to fund group sessions to take place for free at the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre and Emergency Shelter.

Dr. Rahr had the priviledge of teaming up with the Skidegate Health Center in Haida Gwaii. She travelled there to see patients for a week in July 2015, while providing community education, forming lasting relationships and taking in the palpable medicine of its stunning landscape.
The goal is to continue to serve this beautiful community regularly with holistic care that is completely covered for the residents of Skidegate, thanks to the tireless work of Lauren Brown and the administration at Skidegate Health Center.
Visit them here:

In 2013, Dr. Rahr took part in health assessments and human rights education programs through RIDE (Rural Institute for Development Education) in South India, an organization dear to her heart since 2006, when she first worked with them to educate children growing up in bonded labour.

In 2013, Dr. Rahr and a small group of Naturopathic interns raised funds for and travelled to Mourne Rouge, Haiti to work with Mama Baby Haiti, a birth house and education centre aimed at decreasing the rate of maternal and infant death in Haiti.